My oldest daughter graduated high school yesterday. In honor of her, I am blogging about her quest to make a difference in others lives.
I was here. This has become the theme song for my daughter. She's 18 now and has decided she wants to touch people lives in a way that makes a real difference. High expectations? I don't think so. Alexa has always been a very kind hearted child. Her newest endeavor is a three day walk for a cure for breast cancer in Boston, MA in July. This is a 60 mile walk over the course of three days, 20 miles a day, which requires each participant to raise $2,300 in sponsors.
Having a grandmother and a great aunt who both had breast cancer, I whole heartedly support her in this endeavor. How many woman have been touched by this disease in one way or another either by having it themselves or having a loved one be inflicted. As I watch Alexa train for this walking up to 6 miles a day at this point, with blisters on her heels, I am amazed at her determination to touch someone's life.
Every day I watch her I am learning a lesson of the person I should be, and want to be. How often do we get caught up in our own lives with all the stress, mundane tasks, and just every day life, that we just don't give a thought to things of this nature.
I ask any of you that may feel the desire to help to donate towards Alexa's goal to help find the cure for breast cancer. Donations can be made under Alexa Davis' name here.
I thank all of you that may contribute to such a worthy cause. My hope is with this post we will all endeavor to touch someone's life through our own everyday life.
You must be so proud of your daughter. What a terrific young woman she is.
A three day walk is quite an achievement and for such a worthy cause. My daughter also does a run/walk in Los Angeles every year (the Revlon Run for the Cure) so I know just how proud you are for her.
What a worthy cause and what a wonderful daughter you have.
I am sitting here on pins and needles waiting to go to my son's Army boot camp graduation.
Thanks for the comments. I am extremely proud of her. Though I still can't believe she is a young woman now instead of my little girl.
Sounds like you have raised a wonderful daughter and I am so glad that you are able to share your joy in her. Congratulations to both of you. My older daughter did something similar, but it was a one-day marithon and her dad caught her as she almost fell over the finish line. Best of luck to Alexa finishing her goal.
Beautiful post!
Emma, you have a wonderful daughter. Here is a young woman who will make every day counts.
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