Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Better late than never!

What can I say? Deadlines in the Paycheck Job, planning a class reunion, a new book release (see the pretty cover? it's all about a ghost who comes back to haunt a woman and a fire and ... well, check my web site for more details, that's not what I'm going to talk about now), a new book in the works, an old book being revamped ...

I forgot to blog today. Yikes. That oversight has been remedied and a reminder is now in my Toodledo task manager.

Yes, I use a task manager. I have to. You see, I blog 7 or 8 times a month at various sites. I update my web site weekly. I have a personal blog. I have book releases, blog tours, and promo spots. And I have work obligations, like 2-4 hours of meetings every day, assorted webinars, etc.

A task manager and calendar are essential. I use Toodledo for Tasks and Google calendar for most other things. The nice thing about both is that I can synchronize them effortlessly on all my devices. I have a phone, a tablet, 2 computers, and an iPod Touch that all need to be synchronized. I've found nice apps for all that let me synchronize.

Plus I use Sugar Sync, to store files in the cloud and thus draw them down to any device whenever I need them. I use it because it automatically makes copies as I use it, so I don't have to remember to drop files into a folder to be synchronized.

So you see, I really am organized -- whenever I remember to put something on my calendar! I promise, from here on in -- I won't forget. I just put it on my reminder list.

Promise  ☺


Paisley Kirkpatrick said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly time passes. It's almost scary how months go by and you wonder what you missed and how come you didn't get more done. Sounds like you need a note to keep your calendar updated.

Josie said...

I am truly impressed by your organizational skills. I never heard of "the cloud" you referred to. I'll need to check that out.