I've long held that confusion is the sign of a busy mind. Our neurons and synapses are working overtime on problems, ideas, tasks and dreams. I know mine is. Since I've started writing full time, it's as if the story lines and characters won't let me alone. I read a small article in the paper and I think wouldn't that make a great story. I hear a snippet of a newscast and my mind is twisting the news into a "what-if" situation. I'm nearing the point where I wish there was an off switch.
In the past 19 months, I've written 3 books and 2 novellas. One book, Storm's Interlude, is out. Another, Mona Lisa's Room, is under contract and in the galley stage. The third, Rain is a Love Song, is being emailed by my agent this week to an editor who's been asking for it (No, I'm not that great of a writer editors are clamoring for my work, Rain is merely book two of a series). As for the novellas, I'm waiting on a release date for Those Violet Eyes. The second, Tumbleweed Letters, is with an editor. Let the nail-biting begin.
So is it any wonder when I wrote the synopsis for Tumbleweed Letters that I used the wrong heroine's name? That's normal, right? RIGHT??? Imagine my embarrassment when my agent emailed asking why I sent her a synopsis about Evie when the character in the manuscript was Sophie. Ah......
At that point I decided I needed a few weeks away from writing. My brain needs to rest and recycle.
Ben woke me in the middle of the night, which might be all well and good, but my husband's name is Calvin. Ben is a World War II soldier. "Doll," he whispered in my ear, his breath fluttering those dastardly white hairs growing at my temple. "When are you going to write about my Pearl? You see, Pearl and me have something special going on." I glared at him, replying that I had some serious sleep going on before he woke me. He extended his hands in that universal helpless gesture, shrugged and smiled, his deep dimples drawing my attention. Darn, he just had to have dimples. I told him he'd have to wait a couple weeks. And he laughed, deep, rich, sexy--and I sighed. I think he knows I'm a sucker for dimples and deep laughter. Darn him, anyhow.
Can't a confused mind catch a break?

Wow, I absolutely loved Storm's Interlude! If I ever thought to write a romance book, I'd only hope that this would be my style of writing. Storm's Interlude has sweet romance, heartfelt feelings, a whole lot of sexual tension, and its own share of on-edge suspense. -- Night Owl Reviews

Evie Caldwell hates her life. Five years ago, she gave up college and her dream of teaching to care for her ailing mother. Now, she’s trapped taking care of her worthless brother and the family ranch. Waiting tables to earn her way out of Texas, the last thing she wants is a muscleman with a macho Marine attitude complicating her life. But, oh, how that man makes her insides melt.
Wounded vet Win Fairchild returns to Texas to heal, find a piece of his soul, and open a ranch for amputee children. Finding someone to love is not on his agenda. But when he starts work at the Lonesome Steer Honky Tonk, a spitfire with violet eyes and a major attitude instantly captures his heart.
Evie just wants to escape, but now that Win knows what he wants, can he convince Evie to stay in Texas—and his bed?
Wounded vet Win Fairchild returns to Texas to heal, find a piece of his soul, and open a ranch for amputee children. Finding someone to love is not on his agenda. But when he starts work at the Lonesome Steer Honky Tonk, a spitfire with violet eyes and a major attitude instantly captures his heart.
Evie just wants to escape, but now that Win knows what he wants, can he convince Evie to stay in Texas—and his bed?
High five for you getting so much writing done, Vonnie. As to that story, or stories, playing in the background and addling our already busy minds, happens to me too all the time.
Great job getting so much writing done, Vonnie! I'm envious. :-)
Beth, so I'm not entirely crazy? Whew. I've learned not to mention in polite society how my characters speak to me. People quietly step away...
Sarah, I'm retired and the children are grown. I devote 8-10 hours a day to writing. I love it, don't get me wrong, but if I could have the kids back home again as teenagers, when they were so much fun, I'd pick those good times. What laughter we shared!!!
Vonnie, I have so done that! But I usually catch it before I submit. I've written a novel, two novellas and countless short stories in the past year. It's no wonder I'm confused.
Add to that all my household responsibilities. I'm the one who makes sure the bills are paid, the food and supplies are stocked. Any appointments have to be written on the calendar or they will be forgotten. Just can't keep all this stuff straight in my head.
And I always have the feeling I'm forgetting something. lol
Enjoyed reading your post, Vonnie.
I had to do a search on the name of the hero from my fist book while writing the second after I caught myself using the wrong name. :)
Good luck with the books!
Yup, happens to me all the time. They keep me up at night, whispering in my ear. If a love scene is right around the corner, forget it. Ain't nobody sleeping then. Great post as usual, Vonnie. Congrats on getting so much done!
I've noticed lately things can hover just past my mental grasp. I've decided to allow myself to breathe until I connect. If people have to wait, so be it.
You're doing fine, Vonnie. We all need to have each others' backs, so it's all good.
I love reading your posts, Vonnie. You have a great way of expressing yourself. I know how easy it is to mix up characters. I was working on four stories at the same time and every now and then a CP would ask what I was doing by changing a character's name in the middle of a story. Hmmmmm The devil made me do it is my only excuse. :)
Hoping you have lots of sales, my friend.
Susan, thanks for easing my mind a bit. I, too, keep track of bills and doctors appointments...and, sadly, have driven us to the wrong doctor's office a time or two. Are you laughing? I think I hear a chuckle.
Hi Dawn Marie, my brain is like a soap opera. I often forget who's sleeping with whom. I'm glad to see someone much younger than I has this problem, too. Thanks for commenting.
Joanne, do you get antsy over writing love scenes, too? Aren't they the pits to write? I have to go really deep into pov to write them. Even so I blush. Sigh.
Ana, you're so right. We do need to take a breather. Ben and Pearl will have to wait. I wrote a thousand words about them yesterday. Enough so I hope they let me alone for a few days. I have a walk-in closet that needs cleaned out and tax info to get organized.
Paisley--oh, how I love that name, may I use it in a story sometime? All of you ladies have eased my angst today. Not one of you have said I'm crazy. You might be thinking it, but you haven't said it. **grins and hugs**
hahaha Loved your "Ben" story. That he awakened you in the middle of the night with a request for Pearl really tickled me! Can't wait to read that one once finished!!!
I believe you do get better and better as you write!!
signed, the other grandmother
have a great day!
Of course you can use Paisley in a story - as long as she is beautiful, talented and ends up with a gorgeous Scot as her HEA. ;)
Hi Grace, thanks for stopping by. My characters wake me quite often. In "Mona Lisa's Room," I'd written an argument scene outside Shakespeare and Company, a bookstore in Paris. The two make-up and kiss. That night, the heroine and hero re-enacted that scene for me three times until the hero glared at me and yelled, "NOW do you see why that scene won't work?" Can you spell rewrite?
Thanks Paisley. Oh, I can see it now...
I hear ya, Vonnie! How are we supposed to keep all these characters in our heads straight?
I have enough trouble remembering people's names - now I've got to remember character names, too?
My big fear would be to promo a book, while deep into writing another book, and getting everything confused!
Oh, Lynne, I've nearly done that, too. In answering questions for a blog interview I substituted Alyson and Niko's names, from a book not yet published, for Rachel and Storm's while promoting my debut book.
I'll be talking about a story and Calvin will look at me and ask, "Which one is this? Living with you is like a constant state of confusion." Gee, sounds like a good romance, doesn't it?
I love those late night rendezvous, Vonnie! Nothing at all wrong with a hot, sexy and deep laughing dimple-bearing soldier. Congrats on all your successes!
You're not crazy, Vonnie. At least it was just a synopsis. I've used the wrong names in books. That's what happens when you have too many projects going!
Calisa, you're so sweet. I guess late night rendezvous wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't already asleep. Waking me from a sound slumber is like poking a bear. Grrrr.
Vonnie, you're on a roll with your writing & your career! I'm in awe!! As far as the confusion, I've done that - with hair color. I was going on about the character's blonde hair only to realize part way through the story that she was brunette when the story started! (thank goodness for Control F - found all the blonde's and replaced them with brunette.) I commend you for taking a couple weeks to give your mind a break :-)
Great post, Vonnie!
Best wishes for continued success!!
Jan, that's so easily done, isn't it, especially if time lapses and our writing is in fits and starts because we're living life. Thank goodness you caught it. I sometimes flub up with eye color.
Fabulous post, Vonnie! "confusion is the sign of a busy mind"--I love that!!! Totally works for me. Your productivity is an inspiration! Keep up the good work and I'll send up a prayer that your characters give you a little rest now and then. :)
OMG Vonnie, how do you do it? Sleeping with your hubby and chatting with some gorgeous soldier at your bedside. Wish I was that lucky. I've always liked soldier stories. Best of luck with all your projects.
First, let me compliment you on the amount of writing you've done. Wow! Good for you.
As far as confusion, I'm constantly checking myself for spelling names wrong (yes, my own characters) and checking the color of their eyes---are they green or blue---I keep forgetting!
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