All contributing members of this blog are writers, mostly published authors, or about to be published. We spent years learning, reading, critiquing and perfecting our writing style.
For each book, we sweat for hours, days, weeks and months, squeezing our imagination and typing non-spot. Then we gathered our courage and submitted to editors, exposed ourselves to rejections, or suggestions on how to improve. We developed a tough skin and learned to accept criticism and comments. We did our best, for you, the readers.

Now we are proud to offer our books--some at a very cheap price
of 0.99 cents.
After months and years of hard labor, all we want is your
approval, dear readers. We just want to hear--or read-- you saying: “I love
your story.” We would give our souls to hear you say these words. So please say
them. Say these words. Say, I love your story.
Write positive reviews to acknowledge our effort. Tell us
you appreciate us. We don’t ask for money or gifts. We just want and crave your
appreciation. Please, give it to us. Help us breathe better, help us believe in
ourselves. Help us have confidence in ourselves so we can write better and
better books.
As a French author said two-hundred years ago: “Criticism is
easy, but real art is difficult.”
Here are some of the books I recently self-published at 99 cents.
Please, leave a review for each. Thank you, for hearing my plea.
What a lovely letter.It is a lot of work to write a book and to be able to share it with the world.
I agree. A lovely letter. And I agree as an author as well--if you loved what you read, say so. You'll make a writer's whole day. Great post, Mona.
I hear you, Mona! For the uninitiated, writing is a fun, easy thing to do and is quickly published to lots of success and wealth. We all know that isn't true, that it is recognition for the effort that makes all the difference. Thanks.
Nicely said, and I would say that I think everyone would like to be acknowledged for the work they do.
Glad you agree, my friends. I made a pledge this year to write a nice review for every book I read and liked. I was so hurt by nasty people who tried to trash writers with a one star review for ebooks they downloaded free or at 99cents.
Mona dear, you spoke for us all. Lovely post and well said. I do love your books. :)
What you say is so true, Mona! We go through many years of learning the craft, researching, getting rejections, but not giving up, even though that would be easier than struggling forward. We wouldn't be writing if we didn't want to bring entertainment and joy to readers so badly. When readers tell us how much they loved a book, it means more than gold.
Great post, Mona. Snarky reviews are a sign of the times, I fear. Many chuckle at TV shows where insults and putdowns are hurled or reality shows where participants stab each other in the back. All of this spills over into society. For some, it's the only way they can relate--by being nasty. It elevates them somehow. Now with the internet, where one can remain hidden while they spew negativity, warm-hearted, pleasant and talented souls are often maligned. Still the power of a kind word brightens everyone's lives.
I agree Mona. Not only are the snarky remarks hurtful but a lot of the time they aren't true. Some people seem to love hurting or taking down others because they themselves are inadequate. My Mama told me if you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut. You can always find something nice to say and walk away.
BTW, you write terrific stories and I am so proud of all that you've accomplished. Hugs!
I agree, Mona. It is so gratifying to get a good review, to know a reader has enjoyed my book. It makes all the hard work worth while.
Thank you for voicing this plea. I too am guilty of not always taking the time to write a review for a book I've enjoyed. Doubly guilty because I too need reviews from my readers!
I'm also on a campaign to review every good book I read from now on. I know it helps my fellow writers promote their work and I pray they'll do the same for me one day.
I'm known among my family and friends as the queen of sarcasm, but I'd never use my super-power to malign someones hard work.
If I really don't like a book, I don't say anything. I try to learn from it and let other's form their own opinion.
Well said.
Mona--this is a gentle sweet invitation to read your books. I usually hit people over the head. But you, my friend, have a softness and sophistication about you that works well. I liked your plea very much, and I will add...amen.
I read on the IRInk loop about nasty reviews and felt the pain of the authors viciously attacked. I had my share of nasty reviews. For every one of my books. I can tell when they'll appear. After a free promotion. Just when my sales start improving. What incenses me is that the mean reviewers downloaded the book FREE!! And this is their thank you!
Yes Beth, Vonda, Helen, Anna, Keena, I was talking for all of us, authors who work hard, who spend nights awake typing, who give up fun to finish a story or go through editing.
Vonnie, you may be right about nastiness being a sign of our time, of what our society is falling into.
Sandra and Paisley what your Mamma told you is so true. My Dad said it to me: if don't have anything good to say keep your mouth shut. But if you can say good things, say them!
Celia, this was not an invitation to read my books, but a revolt against the nasty people trying to destroy my work and that of so many authors. A plea for them to stop their destruction, to walk in our shoes.
If this type of attack happened at work, we could sue them for harassment. But here, we feel like lambs being slaughtered and not allowed to scream under the pain.
Well said, Mona, well said.
Didn't snarky free-downloaders have mothers who taught them "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."?
I think some folks see books as a product but don't realize how much of a writer goes into that product.
Some folks just don't care.
Thank you Maeve.
Oh Ana, I don't know about snarky free-downloaders' mothers. Let's leave the poor Moms out of it. LOL
Yes, Mary. And some just can't stand to see struggling authors succeed if they are not their favorite authors.
Mona, forgive my tardiness, but I couldn't have said it better. I've worked hard to become published and write a story that would entertain readers. I hope I've done it. Constructive crit I can take, but a nasty review is hard on the soul.
Loved your post, Mona, even though I'm a day late because of digest. If everyone followed my mother's advice about not saying anything if you can't say something nice really works in this situation. Our world has gotten less civil and I for one try not to say negative things about anyone. I also plan to give kudos to those whose books I've read. Thanks for sharing your view.
Hi Steph, I hope you always get the positive reviews your books deserve.
Sandy, thank you for stopping by. Better late than never. We should all support each other.
I, too, am a day late in commenting on your post, Mona. It was heartfelt. Thank you shining a spotlight on what many hardworking authors feel.
We happy readers too often forget to leave a positive review that will boost the author and defeat the nasty small-minded people who can only criticize.
Sheila, last but not least. Thank you for your understanding.
Hear, hear, Mona. Very well said.
Just keep writing, Mona! Your fans continue to love you. There will always be haters. Quality writing stands on its own! Much success.
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