I can't remember if I mentioned this or not, but my web site vanished around Christmas time. It's a long story (best told in a bar at a writing conference), but suffice it to say, I had to come up with a new hosting service, new web site, and new, well, everything. I flailed around for a few weeks, then I designed a new web site, or a web slog: a web site/blog that I can easily update. I'm rather proud of it. Check it here: http://www.jayellwilson.com.

So there's a BIG Bourbon Sling: a new web site that will be easy to maintain. Whew.
Just when I thought it was safe to relax, I had a book release on me that I didn't plan for. Lie to Me is a cross-country blind date from hell...which turns into a little bit of heaven for Grace Jamison. It's fun, it's sexy, and it released when I least expected it! But I got a rockin' cool cover, it's out there, so hey, life is good, right?
So now I can relax, right?

So now: scramble? Prep our house for sale? Put in an offer? Move? Not move? Oh, and my husband is job-hunting and just got a short-term contract offer...in our current town. Prep the new house, let him stay here and sell the old house?
Nope. That idea fell through when we investigated a bit more. So now it's back to the drawing board--literally. We may be building a home.
That sound you hear? It's me, screaming as Life once again piles ... maybe lemons ... on my plate.
But that's okay. I'm somewhat confident there's a bourbon sling at the end of the tunnel...
Wow, JL, I hear ya talking! I'm in the same mode as you with the moving. Unfortunately, the market is so bad here, we're waiting a while, but it's going to happen.
Congratulations on your release of Lie To Me, although unexpected. It's a great surprise.
I'll also be interested in hearing about your experience with the self-publishing. My friend, and fellow FTHer, Marie Force, self-pubbed one of her books. She expected to sell 100 books in a month and wound up selling 150 in a week. She's over the moon with the results. I wish the same for you.
Thanks, Carolyn. If you want to track my self-pub progress, check my web site here: http://jayellwilson-timetravel.blogspot.com/. That's where I"m going to document the process and the results. It's in the beginning stages, but like Marie, if I sell 100 copies a month, I'll be happy (and more would be excellent!)
Sincere congrats on your new book. I love the cover! And, best wishes for your dh's contract offer.
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