Right about now, the green eyes of envy kick in. I mean the 'RWA National Conference envy' of those of us not going. Conference envy is not a pretty sight. It can make the most calm, well-mannered people become someone they don’t know and don’t like very much. Something like a witch with a B.
For example, about now, the yahoo loops and chapter boards start heating up with newbies asking all the ‘about conference’ questions. Chapter presidents are asking for head counts for conference dinners and get-togethers. If you are not going to the conference this gets those ‘green eyes’ going.
You start whining; to yourself, to your family, and to other writer friends. It’s not pretty and you know it, but you can’t help yourself.
Yes, you can. There are other options than National. Maybe not as big. Maybe not as many friends will be there. But, there are options.
1. Take extra workshops: the boards will be slow, now may be the time to take one or two workshops this month. You are in a lull period with agents and editors gearing up for National. Take time to take a class or two you’ve been meaning to check out.
2. Romance Divas has a Not Going To Conference Conference. They have pitch practice, workshops, networking, door prizes, etc. Last year I won my name in a book. Cool!! Sign up is free and the Divas are fun at any time of the year. http://www.romancedivas.com/
3. Spend some time on your current manuscript. Things will slow down online at this time of year. Spend the time polishing your baby. You have time to try new things; a different POV, a different kind of character, etc. Try something new while the pressure is low.
4. Do something for yourself. Never had a mani/pedi? Or a massage? Maybe now is the time to take time for you.
Just remember, nobody likes the green eyes of envy. Especially you.
Just remember, nobody likes the green eyes of envy. Especially you.
You are right - I didn't go last year and I thought about everyone going. Sometimes we just have to sit back and realize we have other things to look forward to and we can enjoy the conference through other people's eyes.
I've always wanted to go to Nationals but something aways happened that I couldn't go. But I've made it clear to my hubby that I'm going to Nationals next year in New York City even if I have to pawn my jewels. Of course I'll have to fine some jewels to pawn.
I didn't go last year and wasn't going this year too. But the conference came to me. LOL. I mean it moves to my backyard. I guess it will be the only year where I can DRIVE to Nationale. Seriously I couldn't miss that.
But I highly recommend the FRW Cruise with your Muse conference. A cruise leaving from Fort Lauderdale the third week of Januaruy 2011. Escape from the snow in the North and come join us.
I am going to Nationals this year, for the first time ever. So I expect next year when I can't go, and I'll know what I'm missing, I'll be jealous.
I've only been to 2 Nationals and often find the smaller ones more fun. Although I'm looking forward to spending some time with my daughter at Disney, and also she'll be at the dinner with me, and she'll see a little of what it means to participate in RWA conference. But I have to say, that when you said: never had a mani...I read it as MAN...and I was thinking, wow, yes! Time to get in line! LOL
Anyway, to me just having year round fun with authors on loops means the world to me whether I get to go to conference or not! :)
I can't make it to Nationals this year, but I am dearly hoping to go to NYC. It'll be my very first, and to help me focus on it, I've placed a few dollar bills in my purse so every time I take out a euro note, I see those greens and remember the promise to myself. I'll need a few more bills to get me there though huh? ;-))
Best of luck to those lucky ladies heading to Florida!
Kudos on saying what many are thinking. Money and location are issues for most. Timing is another one. I look at it this way if you got to go every year then you wouldn't appreciate it as much as when you could go.
Everyone, thanks for the comments. I was a bad poster and forgot to come back on here yesterday afternoon.
It is nice to see so many ladies with great heads on their shoulders about sometimes you just can't go.
I've been to 3 Nationals so far and enjoyed each one very much, that is why I was really bummed this year to miss out and miss Mickey too. LOL
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