To make well rounded characters, even bad guys should have some goodness, to make they real, don't you think? And if they're the good guys, they need flaws that make them real. Sooo, what do you think? Good guy or bad guy?
My beautiful book marks for the conference came in. It has Wolf Fever on one side in a lovely artistic portrait sort of way. Very lovely. Thanks to Sourcebooks marketing department for their lovely book covers and

Per request:Seduced by the Wolf Excerpt

First, the GREAT NEWS!!! I sold two more books to Sourcebooks: The Highland Wolf in Paradise, & The Wolf and the SEAL. :) The Highland wolf story continues with one of the brothers from Heart of the Highland Wolf (Book 7) coming in Jun 2011, and the other is about Meara, Hunter's sister from To Tempt the Wolf (Book 3). That makes book 9 & 10. With more to come! :)
But that's not all! Here's the schedule below for August for Seduced by the Wolf as Leidolf wears down a little red wolf biologist in Portland, Oregon and the surrounding area! :)
His first priority is to protect his pack...
Werewolf pack leader Leidolf Wildhaven has just taken over a demoralized pack. With rogue wolves on the loose causing havoc and the authorities from the zoo suddenly zeroing in on the local wolf population, the last thing he needs in his territory is a do-gooder female, no matter how beautiful and enticing she is...
She'll do anything to help wolves...
Biologist Cassie Roux has dedicated her life to protecting wolves in the wild. On a desperate mission to help a she-wolf with newborn pups, the last thing Cassie needs right now is a nosy and entirely too attractive werewolf pack leader trying to track her down...
With rogue wolves and hunters threatening at every turn, Cassie and Leidolf may find their attraction the most dangerous force of all...
First Reviews:

Cassie Roux is red lupus garou. As a child, she was accepted into a pack of real wolves, who cared for her during the difficult years after she lost her own werewolf pack. Her love and gratitude for the wolves led her to become a wolf biologist, traveling the globe to save the wolf and educate the public on this special species. Then Cassie stumbles into the territory of Leidolf Wildhaven, a red lupus garou pack leader. Leidolf has his own problems unifying and healing his new pack, but the scent of an unmated female lupus garou soon diverts this lonely wolf’s attention in a new and delightful direction.
Seduced by the Wolf is the fifth werewolf novel by Terry Spear. While totally a standalone novel, it also allows fans brief glimpses of the continuing lives of characters from her previous novels. I love, love, LOVE this novel! I wish I had more than 5 klovers to offer. Cassie and Leidolf steam up the pages with a delightful courtship dance, and the subplots of secondary characters are just as intriguing and well developed. All the realistic wolf behavior shows the author has done her research homework and adds depth and color that makes the action leap from the pages.
Crystal of CK's Kwips and Kritiques
"No one makes werewolves seem real better than romantic urban fantasist Terry Spear continually does with her “Wolf” saga (see Legend of the White Wolf, To Tempt a Wolf, Heart of the Wolf and Destiny of the Wolf). Her fifth were-wolfish thriller is a strong tale of two dedicated people wanting to d the best for the wolfish populace in the northwest. Sub-genre fans will want to roam Oregon with this lead couple as outside a werewolf, a book by Terry Spear’s is woman’s best friend..." ~~Harriet Klausner, Genre-Go-Around Reviews
There will be free books during the blog tour! I'm excited and will be posting the dates again during the month at:
. :)

8/1 Seriously Reviewed
8/2 Seriously Reviewed
8/3 My Overstuffed Bookshelf http://myoverstuffedbookshelf.blogspot.com/
8/4 Martha’s Bookshelf http://marthasbookshelf.blogspot.com/
8/4 Martha’s Bookshelf http://marthasbookshelf.blogspot.com/
SciFi Guy
8/6 Poisoned Rationality http://lastexilewords.blogspot.com/
8/7 Sat Mona's Blog www.monarisk.blogspot.com
8/6 Poisoned Rationality http://lastexilewords.blogspot.com/
8/7 Sat Mona's Blog www.monarisk.blogspot.com
Seriously Reviewed
8/8 Sun
8/9 Open
8/10 Fumbling With Fiction http://chandlermariecraig.wordpress.com
8/11 Sia McKye’s Thoughts Over Coffee http://siamckye.blogspot.com/
8/12 Books 4 Moms http://www.books4moms.com/
8/13 Love Romance Passion http://www.loveromancepassion.com/
8/14 Sat
8/15 Sun
8/16 Star-Crossed Romance http://star-crossedromance.blogspot.com/
8/17 A Simple Love of Reading http://simpleloveofreading.blogspot.com/
8/8 Sun
8/9 Open
8/10 Fumbling With Fiction http://chandlermariecraig.wordpress.com
8/11 Sia McKye’s Thoughts Over Coffee http://siamckye.blogspot.com/
8/12 Books 4 Moms http://www.books4moms.com/
8/13 Love Romance Passion http://www.loveromancepassion.com/
8/14 Sat
8/15 Sun
8/16 Star-Crossed Romance http://star-crossedromance.blogspot.com/
8/17 A Simple Love of Reading http://simpleloveofreading.blogspot.com/
Marissa’s Sizzling Hot Book Reviews
8/18 Thoughts in Progress http://www.masoncanyon.blogspot.com/
8/19 Caroline Clemons
8/20 My Book Addiction and More http://www.mybookaddictionandmore.wordpress.com
8/21 Sat
8/22 Sun
8/23 Fresh Fiction http://freshfiction.com/
8/24 Debbie’s Book Bag http://debsbookbag.blogspot.com/
8/25 Book Junkie http://myfoolishwisdom.blogspot.com/
8/26 Fang-tastic Books http://www.fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com/
8/27 Larissa's Life http://www.larissaslife.com
8/28 Sat
8/29 Sun
8/30 A Journey of Books http://ajourneyofbooks.blogspot.com
8/31 Night Owl Romance http://www.nightowlromanceblog.blogspot.com/
And here's beautiful Portland where the story takes place. :)

8/18 Thoughts in Progress http://www.masoncanyon.blogspot.com/
8/19 Caroline Clemons
8/20 My Book Addiction and More http://www.mybookaddictionandmore.wordpress.com
8/21 Sat
8/22 Sun
8/23 Fresh Fiction http://freshfiction.com/
8/24 Debbie’s Book Bag http://debsbookbag.blogspot.com/
8/25 Book Junkie http://myfoolishwisdom.blogspot.com/
8/26 Fang-tastic Books http://www.fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com/
8/27 Larissa's Life http://www.larissaslife.com
8/28 Sat
8/29 Sun
8/30 A Journey of Books http://ajourneyofbooks.blogspot.com
8/31 Night Owl Romance http://www.nightowlromanceblog.blogspot.com/
And here's beautiful Portland where the story takes place. :)

And here is the cover for Heart of the Highland Wolf, coming from Sourcebooks Jun 2011!!! Isn't he GORGEOUS???

Last chance to sign up for the Conflict class! Lessons don't have to be done by
a certain time during the month, and I do personally critique lessons. If you
need some more conflict in your life, ahem, in your mss, join me! :)
August 2-29
Conflict! Conflict! Conflict!
How to Write Conflict in Every Scene!From warriors fighting on the battlefield
and storms that threaten mayhem, to the conflict in relationships from romance
to just plain living around others--EVEN if the individual is shipwrecked alone
on a desert island--conflict is all around us.
For fiction, it's essential to show conflict in every scene, to engage the
reader throughout our tale. Even for nonfiction, conflict in the story makes for
much more interesting reading.
So we will discuss internal/external conflict, conflict in dialogue, conflict in
actions and reactions, conflict in settings, conflict between individuals,
conflict in plot, and subplots, subtle and not so subtle conflicts, and much
more. Every lesson has exercises and I critique your writing samples.
We have 3 lessons per week ($25 for the class).
So if you'd like to find some ways to make those scenes much more conflictive,
join me in Conflict! Conflict! Conflict!To Pay for this Online Writing Workshop
using Paypal,
click here: http://www.terryspear.com/online_writing_workshops_2010.html
Award-winning author of the series: Heart of the Wolf, Destiny of the Wolf, To
Tempt the Wolf, Legend of the White Wolf, Seduced by the Wolf, Wolf Fever, Heart
of the Highland Wolf, Dreaming of the Wolf, The Highland Wolf in Paradise, The
Wolf and the SEAL, the medieval Highlander series: Winning the Highlander's
Heart, The Accidental Highland Hero, and the vampire romantic suspense: Deadly
Liaisons. Spear has also written YAs, for the True confessional magazines, and
nonfiction magazines.
"Giving new meaning to the term alpha male."
Because of wind sheer and lightning due to severe thunderstorms, we missed my son's rehearsal AND rehearsal dinner, actually having to divert to Mobile, AL because we were running out of fuel. But 5 hours later, we were finally in Pensacola, had a delightful dinner with Blaine and his bride, and the weather cleared out for the wedding, thank goodness!!!
Next, my daughter and I are flying to conference! Can't wait to see folks there!
Wow, I think the picture gives new meaning to the Alpha...Hope to meet you at the conference.
LOL, I so agree, Lee! I'm on a flight in just a few minutes. :) I'll be at the literacy signing on Wed night, so be sure and top by and say hi!
Congratulations on the new sales, the blog tour, and of course, your son's wedding! I hope you have better luck on the trip to Orlando and I'll look for you at the literacy signing.
Oh Terry, I am so sorry you missed your son's rehearsal dinner. What a bummer. Congratulations on all your wonderful books. See you in two days.
Terry, you are a promo go-to person. You seem to have it down to an art. Congrats on such great books, covers, and reviews!!
Hi Clarissa! Drop by the Sourcebooks signing too, I think on Sat, if you have a chance. They'll be giving away some copies of one of the books there. Can't remember which. :)
My daughter and I are off to the Magic Kingdom in just a few minutes, and I've just received mail from fans who loved Seduced by the Wolf for preorders of the book! That's one of the greatest joys for me!
Hi, Mona, thanks!!! We had a special dinner afterward with my son and daughter-in-law that well made up for it! See you at the conference!
Hi, Jill!!! Well, it's a job, but somebody's got to do it!!! :) Thanks! Have a super Tuesday!!!
Wow, Jill. Your promo is fantastic, and I wish you continued success with your fabulous books.
Thanks so much, Joanne!!! :) It's been a fun ride. I'm off to speak before From the Heart in just a little bit. Hope to see lots of FTHers there!!!
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