I think of all the holidays in the world, Christmas is the most chaotic, with all the shopping, decorating, baking, and the traveling. Put it at number one for nervous breakdowns. For me it is all of the above. But in the end I love it. After Christmas day, and my house is a mess, dishes piled high, and the cats are still wearing bows from the kids, I put my feet up, satisfied with the end results and that I survived another year with a little of my sanity intact.
I’m not published yet, and wonder what I’ll do when I am and I have a deadline that falls in January, which means, I’ll have to be typing my little fingers to bone through Christmas. It honestly worries me. I know I’ll get it done, but what about my large, mostly Christmas loving family? Will they understand? I don’t know, I guess I’ll find out when I get there.
I just can’t imagine going without all the pandemonium so I can hunker down in my den, in front of my computer to write. Does the publishing world take that into consideration, and allow you to take a month off? Authors I know in the middle of edits and deadlines, sadly inform me, no, they don’t.
I just completed Nano in November. I finished, I made the 50K word count, actually I went over. I wrote like a woman with a purpose, but when December 1st hit, and the edges of the holiday madness already were tickling my life, I stopped writing, other than for blogs. And that’s been a challenge. I got up early this morning to write this one. My nana blog is behind, www.thenanablog.com although I did manage to post this week, and I also blog at The Naked Hero, www.thenakedhero.com (did a cute interview with Mrs. Claus) but that is all I’ve been able to do.
I have published friends, who tell me you just do it. You get the tree decorated, put away boxes, vacuum up the sprinkles and write. You shop on line and write. You schedule out baking, cookie exchanges and write. You just don’t have as many friends and family around, because your writing. It can work. I hope so, because next year I plan on getting that call. I’ll be writing, I hope around the chaos that ensues this time of year. So I’ve put it out to the universe, publish, getting published and writing through the craziness of the holidays.
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday. Best Wishes in the coming year.
So how do you manage your writing through the holidays?
Can see your little Nanofingers going lickedy split. Your publishing day is coming, I can feel it, and I see it in your words, your confidence and the way you plot and talk about your work.
It's true, Christmas is such a zany time. But how wonderful for the characters we have yet to meet - great material, I mean. I was just thinking last night about how it will be when I'm 99+ and I'd better start prepping the kids for the fact I'll be talking to those hunky heroes as I doze in and out of reality. I'm going to tell them not to stop me! No medication needed. Let me go good and crazy, like the holidays...
Lee, you just do it, like everything else in life. I got an R & R this holiday season and I'm determined to return it right after the first of the year, so that means writing through the holidays. We are women, we multi-task!!
Thanks both of you...I will through all the instanity even when it's not Christmas.
Hi Lee, My writing definitely slows down a little but at the same time I add so many different things, including visiting family. Sometimes my writing is actually a respite for me and I start to want to write more, but I have to tamp down the urge to get all the other stuff done. I'm so glad you're reinvigorated for 2011--can't wait to hear about your call!!! Happy holidays!
The Universe listening Lee and so am I. A finished novel, a query package to an agent and "the call." Okay, you know the plan. After you tuck that tree and all the Christmas ornaments back into storage, it's back to work. Hey, I'll join you. Here's to 2011!
Hey, Virna I know what you mean. Writing can be a great escape from the reality of the chaos. Merry Christmas
Margaret, I know you'll be watching, you've always been in my corner. It will be a good year.
Great post L.A. When you are published, you manage your writing and submission in such a way that you avoid the Christmas season. Believe me, it can be done and was done!!! LOL.
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