Since once again this trip will include a trip to a theme
park during warm weather, my staples of shorts, t-shirts, and good walking
shoes or sandals will be in my one roller bag along with my conference clothes.
I’m flying Southwest Airlines so I don’t need to worry about paying for checked
luggage, but I still need to haul my suitcase around the airport, in and out of
cabs and shuttles, hotel lobbies, etc., so less is better. Making sure I can
pack everything I need for a six-day trip requires knowing just what those
needs are. That way I don’t over, or under, pack.
Which brings me to the point of this post, preparing for
the convention. Not just figuring out what clothes I want, but what I’m going
to do while wearing those clothes.
The RWA National Conference can be pretty overwhelming for
those who haven’t been there before. Actually it can be that way for anyone,
even those who’ve gone many times in the past. But it doesn’t have to be that
way and preparation can help avoid conference overload.
First of all, understand what your goal is for the
conference. If you don’t have a goal already, come up with at least two things
you want to accomplish. These can something like meeting at least one editor
from a publishing house that interests you, learning a craft like managing
point of view, or understanding contract clauses and which ones to watch out
RWA is all about learning and opportunities, and the
conference can provide huge amounts of both. That’s why it can be overwhelming,
like sticking a fire hose in your mouth. You want to prioritize to make sure
you aren’t trying to learn everything at once.
If you are brand new, or have never been to a conference
before, I recommend going to the RWA website and printing off the schedule of
events and the workshop schedule. Events of note are the “Readers for Life”
Literacy Autographing, and the First Timer’s Orientation on Wednesday evening,
the two Luncheons that have speakers on Thursday and Friday, the Annual General
Meeting (AGM) Thursday afternoon, and the RITA and Golden Heart awards ceremony
on Saturday night. In between all these events are workshops, publisher
sponsored book signings, which are free book giveaways, and Editor/Agent
If your interest is in meeting an editor or agent for whom
you don’t have an appointment, I recommend hanging out where the appointments
are being held with the hope that someone won’t show up and an appointment will
free up. That frequently happens and it can be a productive way to spend a few
hours of the conference. Also you can often speak to an editor or agent at their
publisher’s spotlight (listed with the workshops) or sometimes even at the
publisher-sponsored book signings.
It is also possible to find industry professionals during
social events, such as at the luncheons, at a party they sponsor, or even
sometimes in the bar. This can be a good way to get a quick discussion in,
particularly if you ask them what they are looking for. Just remember to be
polite. These are working events for them, a dozen other authors have probably
badgered them by now and if they’ve taken off their badges they probably don’t
want to be disturbed.
The RWA National conference offers a huge number of
workshops in as many as eight tracks. Obviously it is not possible to be at 8
workshops at once so you want to plan a strategy for them. You want to focus on
the ones most likely to meet your defined goals. Since many workshops are
recorded, you can focus on the ones that are not, or that have visual
components that an audio recording won’t capture. Afterwards you can catch up
on anything you didn’t hear by way of the recordings. The recorded sessions can
be ordered for around $100 at the convention and are great to listen to in the
If you belong to either PAN or PRO there are retreats for
each group on Thursday morning starting at 8:30 AM and going until the Keynote
Luncheon. These will have special information targeted at authors in these
So now that we’ve discussed what events at the conference
you will likely go to, let’s talk about what clothes to bring. You will want
business casual for workshops and luncheons and most other events. That means a
skirt or nice slacks with a tailored top, possibly with a sweater or jacket
layered on top if the meeting rooms are their often-frigid selves. If you have
a meeting with an editor or agent, you can go even more tailored although how
you dress won’t be nearly as important as having your pitch put together.
You will want comfortable shoes. I cannot emphasize that
enough as hotels and convention centers are sprawling affairs and you will be
on your feet a lot. You will likely need a shawl or sweater if the rooms are
cold. You will probably want business cards although I’ve never given out more
than a few at each convention. They should have your website, contact
information, and some hint of what you write on them. You can get cheap ones at
Vistaprint using one of their designs for the cost of the postage.

So in short, the way to prepare for the convention is to set
one or two simple goals, plan your time at the convention to satisfy them, and
select your most comfortable shoes to wear with your business casual outfits.
Just remember to have fun. I’m already planning what kind of
Disneyland park-hopper passes I’m going to get for me and my family, and you
can bet I’ll be packing one of my Tigger t-shirts to wear to the parks after
the conference is over.
Today (Saturday), Sunday and Monday I have my short story, The Girl In The Box up for free over at Amazon so if you haven't already downloaded this short story, be sure to get a copy this weekend!
Thanks for the advice, Janet. This will be my first RWA conference. :)
Great! I'm so glad that I was able to help. Have fun at the conference!
Great ideas, Janet. Thanks! I'm not going to RWA this year, but this helps me plan ahead for next year in Atlanta.
Comfortable shoes is definitely a must at Nationals, Janet. If my feet hurt, I can't concentrate on anything else.
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