You know what they say about March—in like a lion, out like a slightly less grouchy lion?
At least, that’s how it is for me these days! I’ve got a new book out, Slow Dancing on Price’s Pier (Berkley), on April 5.
So far so good! I’ve got two great quotes from wonderful writers, and the buzz is already picking up speed.
PLUS I’m getting married on July 2. Talk about busy!
(As a side note, I’m looking texts and readings for my wedding ceremony, bookworms. If you have any ideas, or if you want to tell me what was read at your wedding, please drop me a note about it here.)
Although I’m not a parent, I suspect that gearing up for a new book release is something like gearing up to welcome a new baby. Obviously, two different things. But there’s an excitement and anticipation, as well as a flurry of preparation, stress, and lots of things to do.
In between the wedding planning and writing and promoting and whatnot, I’ve also been on a pretty serious quest in search of deeper peace and happiness in my life. Yes, I know that’s cheesy. But it’s also honest. I’ve been trying to carve out time to walk, to meditate, to do things I love, to spend time giving actively as much as possible—you know, finding my higher path.
There are moments of stillness that, a year ago, I might not have noticed—and I’m glad for them. I recently stumbled across this quote: “No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it.” Harry Emerson Fosdick
But sometimes, finding peace can feel like an intense journey when you're up to your eyeballs in tasks! I've got my own methods, but I'd love to hear yours.
What do you think? What’s your advice for staying peaceful and staying busy at the same time?
Congratulations, Lisa, on you new book!
I seek simple satisfactions to give me peace. I weed in my garden for a half hour. This might sound oversimplified, but, for me, the physical effort takes my mind away from the thorny and complex tasks I'm facing for the day. Afterwards, I toss the guilty greens into the bin and feel ready to tackle my ongoing To Do list.
Every morning local scrub jays appear outside our kitchen window. In loud voices they demand their daily unshelled peanut breakfast. Taking a few minutes to observe them as they eat or hide the peanuts is another sure way for me to relax my tense neck muscles, put life’s demands into perspective and start my day with a smile.
Congratulations on the book, and the wedding planning. I'm one of those odd people who actually find to-do lists comforting, so I don't think anyone wants suggestions from me. But I love the H.E.F. quote.
After what seems like a lifetime of raising children, I find peace in my everyday aloneness.
Bless you in your marriage and may your wedding day be perfect and filled with love.
I make quilts for peace and they definitely keep me busy. I just sent off a photo quilt today with 24 bookcovers in the squares. I started making the quilts when our older daughter died from cancer. They have helped me get through the rough times and I know have brought smiles to a lot of faces. Of course, it is easy to plot stories as I cut and sew and gives me a break from the computer. I like to bounce back and forth between the two as I have carpel tunnel ravaged hands they think they have control of my activities. :)
Sincere congrats on your upcoming wedding and the release of your book. You have a wonderful insight and inspiration. I'm going to try to spend more time outdoors each day.
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