Yes, I've branded myself as a werewolf writer.

Truly, truly, truly, thanks to all of you!!! Thank you for loving my wolves! To make the Best Seller's List, the books have to have a ranking from 1-100. I never saw when this happened.
But, when I went to my author's page on Amazon, it shows that three titles made the Best Seller's List: Seduced by the Wolf, Wolf Fever, and Terry Spears Wolf Bundle (which includes the 1st three wolf books!!!)

So I want to say again--THANKS to all of you! Some of you review my books and help to get them out to the world. Some of you buy them and spread the word to your friends and family. And all I can say is thank you. :)
But back to the discussion of branding...
I'm working on the first book in the jaguar series next. And yes I've written two medieval historicals with the third planned and a time travel western coming out in September...wait...whoops, there went my brand.
But you see, I LOVE so many different genres, and when you LOVE reading them, and LOVE creating stories in different genres, who's to say you CAN'T do that? Your fans? Or the powers to be?
So far I've sold 600 books in the past month of a variety of different works, all at Amazon and B&N and Smashwords--
--an urban fantasy about a genie, but it also involves time travel!
--an urban fantasy about the Greek Gods and Goddesses
--a hunter/vampire romance
--uhm, yes, I'm back to branding here...I have several huntress/vampire stories I've written...
--another vampire/huntress novel...
...and another...
...but with this one, it's a vampire/demon novel. :)
...before vampires could be the good guys...
Although I do have more to come also. One is the sequel to Deadly Liaisons out with Samhain, and another is a sequel to Huntress for Hire. Killing the Bloodlust is in revisions also. :)
The Beast Within is a YA about berserkers, curses and reincarnation, contemporary setting.
--another YA, but more in the psychic/ghostly realm.
...and another fantasy novel, this one part of a trilogy!
Book 2 in the fantasy series!
--futuristic murder mystery short story...
What do they have in common? Fans are enjoying them. :) So why should I restrict myself to writing in one genre when the mood strikes me to write in several?
It's all in the voice. If you're shooting for NY publishing, stick to a genre so you can make a name for yourself--brand yourself and maybe some day if you are lucky, you can write something else.
But if you just have to write the stories of your heart and they don't all fall into the same genre, have at it. Writing should come from the heart and if the story needs to be told, tell it. I always figured by writing in different genres, I'd find my true calling.
Well, it's time to write! Create unique worlds. And share it with ours!
Are you working on a brand?
"Giving new meaning to the term alpha male."
Enjoyed your post, Terry. I'm amazed at your productivity. Jealous too. :)
Good God, Terry, you have so many books, and I want to read them all.
LOL, Dawn, I don't bother to sleep! :)
Hey, Mona, thanks!!
I've written soooo many, and I'm finally having fun revisiting the stories, editing and uploading them. I've lost so many over the years due to computer crashes, I'm so glad to finally be able to share them with the world!
The worst part? I've got a ton started, that are really good that I need to find the time to finish!!!
Either you are a fantastic time manager, Terry, or you've morphed with a vampire to be able to work all night.
I took an online class from you several years ago. You make time to do that, too.
Hi, Ana!! Time management is really important! Setting goals is the only way I can get it all done. I'm judging 9 books for two published contests, and thinking, yikes, I've got to get the rest of the 7 books read pronto--2 weeks before deadline.
But working a day job and, yes, still teaching online classes at night, and meeting contracted book deadlines, and revising my own stories to all takes time.
So setting goals really helps me. By this weekend, I plan to have the first of the jaguar shifter stories halfway done!!! :)
And...a couple of more books read!
Good luck with your writing!!!--oh, tonight is my late night at work--and I swear only vampires should be out that late at night. LOL :)
That's a lotta books, girl! Amazing! Good point - branding is important in the NY pub world, not quite as much in your creative world.
Hi, Julia! I so agree! I had an email early this morning from fans in South Africa and they were having a hard time finding a way to buy the ebooks with the currency conversion process.
But they couldn't wait until my next releases, so wanted a way to read some more of my stories. And they got them!!!
I think a lot of it has to do with voice. Oftentimes, if you love an author's voice, you'll read everything they write. I certainly do--will cross any genre when looking for my favorite authors' works.
And for me as a writer, I feel rejuvenated when I can switch to something different and write that too. I don't want to be limited to only one kind of writing. :)
I always worried that what if I couldn't write 10 more of a certain kind of book to brand myself? Or worse, never write anything else ever because I had to brand myself in one genre only. It would totally stifle my creativity. So with self publishing some of my works, I can let my imagination run free! :)
You are an amazing inspiration, Terry. Oh my GOSH! And so balanced in the direction you want to pursue. Truly, thank you for sharing such a wonderful part of yourself today and Congratulations again on a job well done...
Good advice, Terry, and congrats for your numerous successes. Wow--all your books you've written---I'm speechless. You are amazing.
Thanks so much, Karen! Of course I'd like to do this full time, which is my ultimate goal. But the only way to do that is to write and keep working at it. :) If I can do it, great, if not, I've at least made my best effort! :)
Josie, lol! Thanks!! It's really easy when it's something you love doing so much! Thanks again!
Can't you brand yourself as a parnamormal writer?
Hi, Shawn, absolutely! The only thing is I do write medieval romance, and some doesn't have any paranormal aspect. Although many do still. I have a hard time getting away from the paranormal! :)
Branding comes up a lot in my day job--I'm a publicist and have been in the biz over 14 years. I'm also a new author, who has her first full length time travel romance coming out, and I've also struggled with the question on how to brand. For what it's worth, my two cents on branding should be the type of book you write, not subject matter. That way, people know what to expect from your books (ie dark fantasy, tortured heroes, sarcastic wit, etc.), but you're not confined to werewolves.
I so agree, Melissa!
very nice
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