Summer is coming into its final weeks. Kids are already anticipating the return to school, Mom’s are looking to sales for school clothes, and the relatives that visited earlier are on their way home. Vacations are now a memory headed for the scarp booking table, and you know the tanned shoulders will soon fade. The gardens that bloomed will be cleared, in preparation for the cold, and new stories start to pop up in our heads.
For writers it’s the beginning of another round of writing, creating and having more time to develop characters through the end of summer months, into fall, winter’s heavy rain and snow, and spring, until we start the cycle all over again. For me, I had my grandkids a lot this summer, visited children out of state, relatives used me as home pass to San Francisco and I hung on to precious moments with a grandson who said good-bye as he prepared for his second tour in Afghanistan.
When summer hits, my writing time is cut in half. I have to squeeze time in between my family, and just wanting to be outdoors in the hot aired sun of our area. I write most of the year mid-day, now I write late at night. There isn’t any other time. Early mornings are reserved for training for a marathon, so that’s out. In the evenings the kids are asleep, the relatives watching TV, the day of playing tour guide is over. Now with that behind me, I’m not sure I'll return to my mid-day writing habits. The phone never rings at night. The world on our street is quiet. No one rings the doorbell. My husband doesn’t want to suddenly go shopping for something, and have me along for an opinion that usually falls on deaf ears. At night I can write, a lot.
What’s the best time for you to write?
I usually write after dinner. That's when my job is finally winding down. Now that I telecommute, I'm online a lot longer than I used to be. Now I make myself turn off that work computer at 5:30 then I take an hour to connect with my husband before turning on my Fun Computer.
The last month has been awash in activity since we moved to a new home. But it's finally starting to settle down now. New routines for a new home, I guess!
This is a pertinent blog for me today, because my 16 year old daughter just went back to school. (SC schools begin early!)
I find that my lie this summer was filled with endless interruptions. Maybe nighttime would be a better time to write.
I write during the day. About mid afternoon. I am so not an outdoors person and it is too hot to be outside.
LA Let me apologize for posting today. I was sure today was the 18th! Must be the Florida heat addling my brain.
I don't write much in summer. Too busy with grandchildren vacationing with us, or with hubby needing time off from MY computer. I am glad things are quieting around us and I am finally able to write again.
L.A., I write from six until 9:30...because I'm fresh (only) in the a.m. (with coffee, of course.) Here's the thing...when we're on the boat, we usually travel early in the a.m. because we get the lightest winds then. I think for all of us, summer writing is a challenge!
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