First, thank you Mona for hosting me on the Voices from the Heart blog today.
to know why I love writing romantic suspense?
Yes, because I love to read the genre, silly, but seriously, I love
writing romantic suspense because of the research. When an idea comes to me, I can’t wait to dig
into a topic and find the most intriguing facts. Sometimes data or comments by
industry professionals lead me to other fascinating subjects. And sometimes, the story idea I started out
to write is left by the wayside because my research has uncovered a more
interesting subject.
my new release, SEIZED BY DARKNESS, the idea came to me years ago when I walked
into my local post office and saw a poster of a missing girl, age 16, tucked
among the flyers for church socials and postal information. Her smiling eyes
haunted me. Her innocence apparent. Being a mother and grandmother, my heart immediately
went out to her parents and extended family.
I could only imagine the nightmare they’d lived since their little girl
went missing.
wondered where the child was now and did she still smile? Staring at her face, I
swear I could actually feel her strength and somehow knew she was hanging on. I
pray the girl survived her ordeal and was returned safely to her family.
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I researched the agency, I learned about their history and about the many
crimes they are the go to guys and gals for.
Fantasizing and some real disturbing stuff, I tell you.
had longed for a while now to try my hand at writing a series and what better
platform to use then the U.S. Marshals.
They’re honorable, loyal, intelligent, strong, etc., etc., and their
site had some pictures of really hot alpha male types, which for a romance
novelist is gold. Anyway, I brainstormed
and three plots involving US Marshals acting in undercover situations came to
me within seconds. I couldn’t flesh the
ideas out fast enough while writing synopsis.
BY DARKNESS, the first of my new series know as C.U.F.F. (Central Undercover
Felony Force), is now available on Amazon and B&N in digital download. A paperback version will be available very
soon. I hope you’ll follow the links and
read more about the story and enjoy the sample. I’m working hard on the second in the series
and hope to have it available early 2013.
My bulletin board is now covered with pictures of the whole C.U.F.F. team and their love interests and the stories villains of course. I fell in love with the members I’d used in
Seized By Darkness and again with the characters I’m developing in my next story. They watch each other’s backs. They share priorities and loyalties— country and family first. They argue, laugh and cry together. It’s a really family affair, the C.U.F.F. team, and I hope you’ll fall in love with them too. Her book SIZED BY DARKNESS is available at Amazon
This sounds like it will be a very interesting series. I can't wait to read them all. Keep up the wonderful writing. Love ya lady.
Hey, Meredith, Thanks for being my fan girl. It's good to see you here. I think you'll love Will's and Nicole's story, maybe more so then the couples of my other books.
Hi Autumn,
Love your post. Research is such an important part of writing. a fun part too.
Thanks, Mona.
Thanks so much for hosting the wonderful Autumn Jordan. I also do a lot of research on Tudor England. After several years, I sometimes feel like a walking dictionary.
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