Thursday, June 27, 2013

What is your favorite method for reading? #reading

Seventy-five percent of Americans sixteen and older, according to Pew Internet survey, said they've read a book in 2012.  That's a decrease of three percent from 2011.  Eighty-nine percent of the readers said they read a print book.  Thirty percent of the readers said they read an e-book.  Seventeen percent said they listened to an audio book.  (According to the survey, readers read a median of six books.)

What does it all mean?

It means the world of reading is changing, and my publisher--Vanilla Heart Publishing, is changing right along with it!


Ana Morgan said...

Thanks for this post, Angela. I didn't realize audio books were so popular. What an intriguing feature--being able to switch between audio and reader.

Angela said...

I've always listened to music while driving, but now, I have something new to entertain me.