Saturday, May 29, 2010

Come a Long Way...

The internet has certainly come a long way.  Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Youtube, and time wasting activities are just some things we do instead of writing.  A time existed when this new fangle gizmo was a barren world of limited entertainment.  For me, my first interaction with this world wide web was in college in the early 90s.  The university assigned me an email address, which I don't think I ever used.  During those days when I sat down at a computer, it was to write my papers. 

One time, I was in the computer cluster and beside me were two college boys, both of their fingers clacking over the keyboards.  Every so often, their laughs shattered the studious silence.  After a few hours, the boy on the right leaned over and whispered, "That's cool."
I peeked at their black and white screens and scanned their texts.  I couldn't believe what I read, these two were wasting hours emailing each other.  I gave them that look girls in high school perfected and rolled my eyes at them.  Boys and their toys and this was a generation's new toy.  Back then the internet was nothing more than email and porn.  My professors warned us the first day of class that if one of our sources came off the internet then an automatic F was slapped on top of our work.  At the time, nothing posted on this information superhighway was reliable.  This was the beginning of a new computerized world and you couldn't believe it.

Now a decade plus, the net is the go-to place.  While I mailed in my college applications, my niece filled out hers online.  Universities are now scanning their libraries to share the wealth of knowledge collected through the years, classes are given online, and information is a search word away.  To think, that without the world wide web all us FTHers may not find the research we need to finish our WIP, chat and share good wishes or boost each other up when rejection is received, even share our knowledge.


Helen Scott Taylor said...

Interesting post, Mageela. When I was at University the Internet and PCs didn't exist. My kids can't believe a time like that ever existed. Now I don't know what I'd do without computers and the Internet. I wouldn't be writing for a NY publisher without the Internet to make communication between the US and the UK easy, and I wouldn't have cps in N. America. I live in fear of it all imploding one day.

Josie said...

You are so right. I can remember life without the internet, but now I can't fathom life without it.

Jill James said...

I remember our first computer, with dial-up. OMG. We had limited amount of hours and most of those were spent just getting onto the internet. Now, I can't image a day without my email, my loops, my FTHRW.

Mona Risk said...

What a fun post, Mageela. I first heard of emails from my son when he installed it for his girlfriend and taught her how to email him. I was so impressed and then our logistics manager installed it at work, and I had no choice but to learn. Now I say good morning to my DH and then immediately check my emails. Really how did we live without Internet.

Unknown said...

Life without the internet is one that I don't want to return to. It's like the dark ages of information. One technology I can sometimes deal without is the cell phone.

Paisley Kirkpatrick said...

I remember when everything was on those floppy discs - we've come a long way. Think of when a computer filled an entire building and shot out cards... Guess I am dating myself big time but it is quite a wonderful thing we have at our fingertips.

I feel disconnected when my emails don't work. I love having my friends around the world and I love being able to get help in an instant.

Yes, I do get a lot of writing done as well. It is so much easier than using one of those 'old fahsioned typweriters' as my daughter's friend called it. :)

Lexi said...

Yes, we've come so far. And I'm still behind. But think of where we're going to go in our lifetime!

Anonymous said...

First there were typewriters, then computers, now laptops and iPads. This new age of technology is amazing, and a big part of it is the world wide web. It's true...what would we do with out it now? ---Maria Ferrer

Joan Leacott said...

Does anyone remember punch tape, and the Data Entry dept, and dropping a boxful of the darn punch cards? The best thing ever invented is the Undo button. And blogs--I'm hooked on them now.