I think this is one of the reasons why the holiday season is such a great setting for love stories. Taking that sense of joy and hope, and shaping it into beautiful, sentimental love stories seems so natural.
I can't tell you how many times I turn to watch the latest Hallmark Channel movie because it's set during the holiday season. And if the story line involves a little Christmas miracle or Santa himself...it's that much better.

My first release, Love's Chance, was released during the Valentine's Day season...it was not a valentine themed story, but readers were incredibly drawn to the story and its characters.

Do you enjoy a story more because it's background is set against Christmas, New Year's Eve or Valentine's Day? Does it matter to you if the characters are on the slopes sipping cocoa by a fire or on the beaches of Hawaii?
How do the seasons (holiday or calendar)influence your reading habits?
During holidays, along with friends seasonal releases, I read stories to remind me of what those who went before me did so I can enjoy the moments and freedoms I have now. Last week I read Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption about Louis Zamperini a world class athlete and his struggle to survive as a POW in the Pacific. The man is alive, in his nineties and reading his story is pure inspiration. I also very much enjoy reading historical novels of our country. From the Revolution to WWII, but they are few and far between. Anyone have a recommendation?
Great blog, Angela. You gave me something to think about. I do watch different things during the holidays, but only because I'm with family and they're choosing the show. With reading, I tend to stay with the same authors all year no matter what the setting.
The season doesn't usually change my reading habits. I have my pile of TBR stories and don't deviate. I used to spend a lot of time with the holiday decorations, but not so much anymore. A few of the holiday movies still draw me, but since the season starts so early I try to space them out so I don't get burn out.
Your stories sound great...
Christmas Season is a lot of stress in addition to fun. Buying and wrapping the gifts, cooking, organizing the accomodations for my guests, making sure everyone will be happy. I don't have a minute for myself. I usually say: I love the season went it starts and love it more when it ends. Everything is so commercialize.
Rita, I watch more biographical/autobiographical movies than read books, but there are certain times of of the year that make me seek out those movies, for example: the 4th of July.
Clarissa, I think my family is filled with holiday junkies, like me. My mom and I can sit and watch movie after movie.
Paisley and Mona, Ijust walked in from the mall...wow! Between parking, packed stores, etc., they may have zapped a little bit of my holiday cheer ;-), but not all of it.
Thanks for the compliment, Paisley!
Hmm. Good question. Now you have me thinking. I love holidays,but I don't think they influence what I'm currently reading--probably because I read lots of fantasy and paranormal where the world is not normal.
I love a good holiday story at the end of a long, busy day. And Mona, you're so right--everything is so commercialized these days.
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