I'm scheduled to post on the 25th of every month, and lo, and behold: Thanksgiving Day! I hope most of you folks in the U.S. are having fun with your families and are busily eating yummy food and planning attacks on the shopping malls tomorrow.
For those international visitors, fear not: we'll be back soon!
As for me? I've had a problematic month. A story for another post. It's been what I call a dippity-do sort of time. Up, down, all around, emotionally, authorially (I wonder if that's a word?), at work at home. Very busy deadlines at work, death in my family, some house crises, a computer crash ... the usual "what else does life have in store for me" kinds of things. My head is still spinning.
I found out I'm a double finalist in the Epic eBook competition. Even that's a double-edged sword for reasons that are too long to discuss here. I'm happy, but ...

Whoops! Doesn't matter if you're ready or not, here it comes! Toss in some politicians (I LOVE beating up on politicians) and you have an adventure, a mystery, and one heck of a love story. As always, it's a tiny bit steamy, but not explicit (I just don't write explicit first-person books. Sorry).
So check it out after you polish off those leftovers. Grab a fun book to take your mind off all that Christmas shopping, and decorating, and wrapping that needs to be done. Give yourself a break and relax for a few hours. Go on. You deserve it!
I'm sorry for your loss, JL. It's never easy losing someone, and worse when it's close to the holidays. I know you'll cherish the memories you have.
But on a happier note, congratulations on another release. You are really rockin' and rollin'and I couldn't be more pleased over your success. :-)
Congratulations on the EPIC finals. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too.
The holidays can be very difficult when you have lost loved ones. We just have to take them the best we can. Sorry for your loss.
Finally in the EPIC sounds like a positive point in your career. Congratulations and best wishes for a win.
We live in the mountains so we are away from the rush of the holidays and, believe me, I am thankful for that. Never being a avid shopper, I prefer hiding in the trees. :)
JL congratulations on your double finalling on Epicon. I know it's a blast. I did final too. I hope you had a great Thnksgiving Day.
Congrats on your double final, and for winning the "lottery". :)
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