I started a new story this week and had an epiphany when I brought the hero and heroine together for the first time. It is difficult for me because I love my characters and I know that I have to do terrible things to them to keep them apart, and then there is that black moment. I naturally hate conflict of any kind. I want everyone to be happy, especially those who are near and dear to me. What usually happens is my critique partner tells me I don't have anything bad happening. Stubbing your toe and having it hurt is not the "c" word. It's not a story without conflict. "But, but," I say. It doesn't help. With my last story I had to rewrite it and add a lot of problems. One reader told me I might have overdone it a wee bit. :) Hey, I'm workin' on it.
Here I am with my new characters. I barely know them and I am plotting against their happiness. I started to giggle when I realized that once I conflict them, I rush to finish my story so I can bring them back together in joy.
Do I stand alone in this problem, or do you have trouble being mean? Maybe you like taking your frustration out on your characters. Just askin'.
You've brought up some good points. I hate creating conflict with my characters, especially characters I love. I don't want them to ever say "mean" things to each other, or hurt each other in any way. But without conflict there is no story.
I belong to the Toronto Romance Writers and we had Donald Maass come for an all day workshop which was fantastic. The day was full of great exercises to increase conflict. He'd ask us what's the worst thing that can happen to your character? Now, make it worse. We'd brainstorm for five minutes, then move on to his next exercise: Now, make that problem worse.
Conflict sells books, so we just have to do it!
I hate conflict in my personal life and in the books I write I have a really hard time with conflict. I want everyone to be happy, I just need to realize that they will be happier the more difficult I make it to get to happily ever after. Still working on that one. :)
Hi, Paisley. Interesting post. I hate conflict in my life too. However, I enjoy tossing it into my character's lives. Not sure how successful I am, but I'll keep on trying.
It's really sad, isn't it Josie. We give birth to our characters and then rip and tear their hearts out. Makes me feel demonic at times. Of course, the people who hurt my hero and heroine are fun to destroy. Thanks for commenting.
Hi Sharon - I love Toronto, especially the CT (I think that is what it is called) Tower where you can stand on the fiberglass and look down 18 floors. Beautiful city.
Thanks for coming by. I've heard about the workshop Donald Maass gives. We are having him give a workshop this year at our Sacramento Valley Rose Chapter.
Thanks for stopping by.
I know what you mean, Jill. I just hate raised voices and unhappiness. It is something I will always have to work extra hard to put into my writing.
Thanks for coming and commenting.
I guess all we can do is try, Dawn Marie. I had to redo my last story because there wasn't enough. I am working on a new one and am at that stumbling block again. :(
Thanks for your support.
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