Monday, November 26, 2012

Autographed Books in Omaha, NE!

My son and daughter-in-law's lovely turkey dinner. :)


And my son took me all over to autograph books even to a Barnes and Noble in Council Bluffs 
 that is no more. But at least I signed at 3 book stores on Omaha! Enjoy!

Autographed copies of Savage Hunger are at Crossroads Barnes and Noble, Oak View B&N and Books-a-Million in Omaha, NE.

The following books are at Oak View Barnes and Noble: I promise I didn't sign Kerrelyn Sparks's book. Our books always hang together at the book stores though! :) And we're often next to each other at book signings.

 Books-a-Million in Omaha:

Highland Rake is available in print!

Kiss of the Vampire is available in print!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Killing the Bloodlust is in print!

Having fun watching Supernaturals. :) Have you watched them? 

"Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality."


Josie said...

Your wonderful success is fabulous! Hoping you and your family had an enjoyable Thanksgiving, complete with book-signings. :)

morgan said...

Your books look wonderful. Hope you had fun at the signings.

Terry Spear said...

Thanks so much, Morgan! We had so much fun! The zoo was fabulous and the park where we got to see the wolves was too! Two of the book stores said they'd set up signings for me next year, so I'm excited to do that when I can coordinate a good time with my son and daughter-in-law!

Thanks, Morgan! I had a blast! You never know when you go to a book store if you'll get great reception or none at all! They were super!

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