Monday, November 5, 2012

Undercover Writer

Imagine my surprise when I found out I was blogging on the 5th of the month too. Who knew? Apparently, not me. I have a secret. It’s one all of you know, but not many other people know including my extended family members. It isn’t a horrible secret, but it is one I’ve been hesitant to tell people. I am a romantic fiction writer. Are you shocked?

I think not, but some folks would be. This year I didn’t go back to school to teach. I am taking the year off to write. My fellow teachers obviously have a clue, and they’re envious to an extent. They imagine me sleeping in, which I do. I get up when the school bus goes by.

Writing is pretty serious business I’ve found out. I try to put in a good six hours of just writing. Editing pretty much kills me because it has to be done immediately it seems. Sure, I’ll  just fly through the 70,000 words in no time. There is promotion too, which I am clueless how to do. Often I've signed up for various promotions courtesy of kind writers or tours, the same time an edit or deadline is due. This isn’t intentional it just happens.

Why don’t I talk about being a writer? I am afraid no one will take me seriously. It’s a shame really because I am doing more solid, true work than I ever did at school. There was so much filler time at school, and very little actual education. In this new venture, I am learning all sorts of things. The major one is you can learn from every writer. The second one is you have to improve. No writer can stay stagnant. Well, I guess they could, but it just wouldn’t be good.

Currently, I am editing an old story because a publisher requested a full. I have major problems with the POV. I pretty much let everyone have one. Argh! At the time, I didn’t see any reason why I shouldn’t do that. I am learning.

I am also coming out of the literary closet, and telling people I am a writer. Next, I’ll start handing out business cards. Maybe even those postcards that have a picture of the book with a blurb.
Undercover Rebel is the first book in my Rebel Hearts series. I finished the third book yesterday. There was great rejoicing in the house. Emily is the Sewell family member who started it all.
Emily Sewell couldn't remember when she fell in love with her neighbor, Gray Masterson. He unfortunately didn't really notice her as a woman until the eve of his leaving to fight in the Civil War. A magical evening ensued with him asking her to wait for him. News that he's been killed on the battlefield propels her into action. She knows he is alive - she just has to find him. The only thing between her and her true love is miles of swamp land, a major war, and her own doubts. Emily wrestles with Gray's possible death, imprisonment, or that he's unwilling to return to her. Can a sheltered Southern Belle navigate the horrors of war to retrieve her fiancé? Emily is willing to try.
Interested in finding out more about Emily and Gray? I will send you a free copy to anyone who is interested in liking the book on Amazon or reviewing it for the tour. You can review it anywhere such as Amazon or Manic Readers. Thanks.

Are you in the literary closet too? Let me know.


Edith said...

Hi Morgan/Carole, I would love to read your book and will like it on amazon of course. But I won't be able to review it until end of Novemeber when NaNoWriMo ends! love and hugs, Edith xxx

Ana Morgan said...

Good luck with the book, Morgan. Like you, I am coming out of the closet to friends and lattices. Lucky you for being able to take a ahead off. I have two jobs, so writing time comes last most days.

Candy Burke said...

Writing is definitely hard work ! Not the laid back, easy trek most people imagine. Kudos for sharing your voice and have the courage to "come out". Good Luck with the book !

Cynthia said...

I'd be willing to review your book. I typically read Regencies but I think stepping out of my usual reading will be good.

As an aspiring writer, I too am facing the question of what I will do if I get published. Telling people I know I am a writer hasn't been a problem. Telling them I write romance when they ask what kind of writing I do is awkward.


morgan said...

Hi Cynthia,
I need your address to send you a copy. :)

As of yet. no one had ridiculed me for writing romance.

Romance is often the foot in the door.

morgan said...

Ana Morgan,

I used to do a great deal of writing after midnight. Trust me it made very little sense the next day. Spelling was bad too.

morgan said...

Hi Candy,

Thanks for your comments. I was under the promotional boom yesterday writing feverishly to ready everything for the tour.:)

morgan said...

Hi Edith,
I'll send you the book, don't worry about when you read it. I think having reveiews come up at different times helps to nudge interest in it. Thanks. Good luck with your 50,000 words.

Josie said...

Super congrats for writing so much every day and sticking with it. I'd be more than happy to "like" your book. Best wishes for lots of sales.