What more can I say than that????
Now that's what I call a CHRISTMAS present! Snow, wolf and Tom, and all.....
Where's the mistletoe? Don't need it!
Just one hot body to keep us warm.
He's coming!!! February 1, 2014 in time for Valentine's. Happy Merry Jolly Christmas, Early!
Thanks to Sourcebooks and their wonderful art department and Deb for sending him to me in time for the holidays!!!
What do you think? Are you ready for Tom?

I loved the old buildings in Salado decorated for Christmas. We walked all over and saw many of the homes/shops that are on the historical tour. Many of these were built in the 1860's. It seems a long time ago, until I think of visiting the Scottish castles!!!

Here are some more of the shops and their wooden walkways.

Inside one of the old buildings that once was a residence and now a shop I took a picture of the rock work and pretty mirrored chest, and caught myself in the mirror! I didn't realize I had. Debbie, poor thing, was my coat bearer while I took pictures. It looked like it would rain, but it never did, so we finally ditched the coats in the car. I kept apologizing to her for having to be the workhorse on the trip, and if I had wanted to hide the fact she was carrying our coats, I captured it in the picture. So no tall tales there...
I loved the stone work in the buildings, and in the mirror, you can also see how the glass door has a glass window above it. Many of the buildings had these. My friend kept saying, "Can you imagine dusting all this stuff?"
My mother used to say, "They aren't collectables. They're dustables."
But it's hard not to walk away with something cute from Salado. :)

The little guy in the middle who is playing his music? He came home for Christmas with me--my gift to me from Salado, my muse. :)
A dust collector? Surely not!
How about you? Can you resist collecting those collectables?
"Giving new meaning to the term alpha male where fantasy IS reality!"
Congrats on your new book Terry. What a fabulous cover. Thanks for the pics of Salado, too. I like collecting things that remind me of a good trip...but I always know where the new item will reside. Thank goodness I have a very large display wall :-) Rolynn
Hey, Terry! Great cover, and I love the title. DH doesn't care much for clutter, as he calls it, but I still collect Santas. Yours look sharp on display with the wolf books. Hope you're having a fab holiday.
Thanks, Rolynn!! It is great, isn't it! I love to collect occasionally on a trip. It reminds me of that special time. My son-in-law was telling me of a show about collectors who are off the scale and need help!
Thanks, Dawn!! Yeah, clutter...I've got some of that! I'm hoping to get rid of some more stuff during the new year. :) Thanks on the Santa display with the wolf books. :) I wasn't displaying my books, but found it really convenient when I need to ship one. I just pull it from the shelf instead of having to remember which cabinet I have which book stored in! :)
Your book is beautiful! What a wonderful gift from your editor. Happy New Year to you and your family!
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